Buddhist Pilgrimage Tour

Buddhist Pilgrimage Tour

Are you seeking a journey that brings you closer to the roots of Buddhism and offers a profound sense of spiritual awakening? Join us at Corporate Travel Nepal for a Buddhist Pilgrimage Tour – a remarkable voyage through the heart of Nepal, home to some of the most sacred Buddhist sites in the world.

Nepal holds a special place in the history of Buddhism as the birthplace of Siddhartha Gautama, who later became known as Buddha. As part of the Buddhist Pilgrimage Tour, you will visit Lumbini, where the Enlightened One was born. Experience the tranquility of this sacred site, with its beautiful gardens, temples, and the iconic Maya Devi Temple marking the exact spot of Buddha's birth.

Your journey continues with visits to some of Nepal's most revered stupas and monasteries. Explore the ancient Swayambhunath Stupa, also known as the Monkey Temple, with its mesmerizing views of Kathmandu Valley. At Boudhanath Stupa, one of the largest in the world, you can join the faithful in walking the kora (circumambulation), a sacred ritual that represents the cycle of life and rebirth.

The Buddhist Pilgrimage Tour is an opportunity to dive deep into the traditions and teachings of Buddhism. Engage with monks and lamas, attend prayer ceremonies, and learn about the principles of compassion, mindfulness, and meditation that form the core of Buddhist practice. You will also have the chance to receive blessings and teachings that can enrich your spiritual journey.

While the focus is on spiritual exploration, you will also have the opportunity to experience Nepal's stunning natural beauty. From the lush landscapes of the Kathmandu Valley to the majestic peaks of the Himalayas, each step of your journey is a reminder of the beauty and harmony that exists in the natural world.

At Corporate Travel Nepal, we understand the profound significance of a pilgrimage journey. With our experienced guides, comfortable accommodations, and personalized service, you can trust us to make your Buddhist Pilgrimage Tour a safe, enriching, and deeply meaningful experience.

Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to explore the sacred sites of Buddhism in Nepal with Corporate Travel Nepal. Book your Buddhist Pilgrimage Tour today and set out on a journey that promises spiritual growth, cultural insight, and unforgettable memories.


- Upon arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, you will be greeted by our staff holding a name-card with your name. - You will be transferred to your hotel by private vehicle. - Enjoy a welcome dinner at a traditional Nepalese restaurant, featuring typical Nepalese cuisine. - In the evening, there will be a brief meeting to discuss the upcoming trip and itinerary. - Overnight stay at a hotel in Kathmandu.

- Start the day with a visit to Swayambhunath Stupa, also known as the Monkey Temple. It is one of the oldest and most iconic stupas in Kathmandu. - Explore the stupa and surrounding area, learning about its historical and religious significance. - Afterward, head to Pharping Monastery, a renowned Buddhist monastery located on the outskirts of Kathmandu. - Take time to explore the monastery and observe the daily routines of monks. - Overnight stay at a hotel in Kathmandu.

- Begin the day with a visit to Boudhhanath Stupa, one of the largest stupas in Nepal and a significant site for Tibetan Buddhism. - After exploring Boudhhanath, head to Kapan Monastery, known for its beautiful setting and vibrant community of monks and nuns. - Enjoy lunch and then drive to Namobuddha, a sacred Buddhist site located in the Dhulikhel area. - Spend the night in Dhulikhel, a peaceful town known for its stunning views of the Himalayas. - Overnight stay at a hotel in Dhulikhel.

- Depart from Dhulikhel to the airport and take a 30-minute flight to Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha. - Upon arrival in Lumbini, check into your hotel. - In the evening, take a leisurely stroll around the sacred grounds and visit key sites related to the life of Lord Buddha. - Overnight stay at a hotel in Lumbini.

- Spend the entire day exploring the sacred sites of Lumbini. - Visit various monasteries representing different Buddhist traditions. - Explore the Maya Devi Temple, believed to be the exact birthplace of Lord Buddha. - Visit the Ashoka Pillar, which commemorates Emperor Ashoka's visit to Lumbini in the 3rd century BCE. - Continue exploring other important sites and learn about the history of Buddhism. - Overnight stay at a hotel in Lumbini.

- Take a morning flight from Lumbini back to Kathmandu. - Upon arrival, check into your hotel. - The rest of the day is free for you to relax or explore the streets of Thamel, known for its vibrant markets and souvenir shops. - Overnight stay at a hotel in Kathmandu.

- After breakfast, our representative will transfer you to Tribhuvan International Airport for your departure. - Bid farewell to Nepal as you board your flight for your onward journey. - End of services. Have a safe trip!


  • Accommodation
  • Meals
  • Transportation
  • Human Resource
  • Tax/Service Charge 


  • Extra cost for unseen & unstoppable circumstances (natural disaster, flight cancel, strike etc).
  • Cost of extra day(s) stay or for hiring extra guide and vehicle(s) in any cause.
  • Any Beverage items and personal nature expenses  (Cold/Alcoholic drinks, bottled Mineral Water, tea/coffee,etc.)
  • Emergency Transportation / Evacuation
  • Any tips and donations
  • Your travel insurance
  • Nepal Visa fee

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