Hindu Pilgrimage Tour

Hindu Pilgrimage Tour

Are you ready to embark on a sacred journey to some of the holiest sites in Nepal? Join us at Corporate Travel Nepal for a Hindu Pilgrimage Tour – an unforgettable spiritual odyssey that will take you to the heart of the Hindu faith and leave you feeling rejuvenated and inspired.

Nepal is home to a wealth of sacred sites revered by Hindus from around the world. From the ancient temples of Kathmandu to the remote mountain shrines of the Himalayas, each destination offers a unique opportunity to connect with the divine and experience the rich tapestry of Hindu culture and tradition.

During your pilgrimage tour, you'll have the opportunity to visit some of Nepal's most revered temples and shrines, including the sacred Pashupatinath Temple in Kathmandu, the birthplace of Lord Shiva, where devotees gather to pay homage and seek blessings for health, prosperity, and spiritual fulfillment.

As you travel from one sacred site to the next, you'll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the rituals and traditions of Hinduism, participating in sacred ceremonies, offering prayers, and seeking the guidance of revered sadhus and gurus who call these holy places home.

But the Hindu Pilgrimage Tour isn't just about visiting temples – it's also about connecting with the natural beauty of Nepal and experiencing the divine presence in every aspect of the natural world. Trek through lush forests, meditate beside tranquil rivers, and bask in the awe-inspiring vistas of the Himalayan mountains, where the divine energy of the universe is palpable.

At Corporate Travel Nepal, we understand the importance of creating meaningful and transformative experiences for our clients. With our knowledgeable guides, comfortable accommodations, and personalized service, you can trust us to make your Hindu Pilgrimage Tour a safe, enriching, and truly memorable journey.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to embark on a sacred journey through Nepal with Corporate Travel Nepal. Book your Hindu Pilgrimage Tour today and get ready to experience the divine presence in the land of the Himalayas.



- Arrive in Kathmandu and be greeted by our representative at Tribhuvan International Airport. - Transfer to your hotel and check-in. - Receive a tour briefing and itinerary overview. - Enjoy free time to rest and explore the surroundings at your leisure. - Overnight stay at a hotel in Kathmandu.

- Visit Pashupatinath, a sacred Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. - Explore Guheshwori Temple, an important Shakti Peeth. - Witness the Sleeping Vishnu Temple (Jalnarayan) and learn about its significance. - Visit the Kumari House, home to the Living Goddess of Nepal. - Explore the iconic Swayambhunath Stupa, also known as the Monkey Temple. - Overnight stay at a hotel in Kathmandu.

- Visit Dakshinkali Temple, dedicated to the Hindu goddess Kali. - Explore Shesh Narayan Temple, dedicated to Lord Vishnu. - Visit Krishna Temple, known for its intricate carvings and religious significance. - Explore Banglamukhi Temple, an important pilgrimage site dedicated to the Hindu goddess Baglamukhi. - Overnight stay at a hotel in Kathmandu.

- Drive to Pokhara, a scenic lakeside city nestled in the Himalayas. - En route, visit Manakamana Temple, the "Goddess of Wish Fulfilling." - Enjoy a thrilling cable car ride to the temple. - Continue driving to Pokhara and check into your hotel. - Overnight stay at a hotel in Pokhara.

- Take a scenic flight from Pokhara to Jomsom, enjoying breathtaking mountain views. - Drive from Jomsom to Muktinath, a sacred pilgrimage site for Hindus and Buddhists. - Explore Muktinath Temple, dedicated to Lord Vishnu and known as the "God of Salvation." - Marvel at the natural beauty and religious significance of the area. - Overnight stay at a guesthouse in Muktinath.

- Fly back from Jomsom to Pokhara, enjoying panoramic views of the Himalayas. - Explore Bindavashini Temple, dedicated to the Hindu goddess Bhagwati. - Visit David's Fall, a beautiful waterfall named after a tourist who lost his life here. - Explore the mystical Shiva Cave, known for its religious significance. - Enjoy a relaxing one-hour boat ride on Phewa Lake, visiting Barahi Temple situated on an island. - Spend free time exploring the vibrant Lakeside market. - Overnight stay at a hotel in Pokhara.

- Embark on a scenic drive from Pokhara to Kathmandu, enjoying the picturesque landscapes along the way. - Upon arrival in Kathmandu, enjoy free time for shopping or relaxation. - In the evening, experience a traditional Nepali cultural show followed by a dinner featuring Nepali cuisine. - Overnight stay at a hotel in Kathmandu.

- Check out from the hotel and proceed to Tribhuvan International Airport. - Board your flight for your onward journey, bidding farewell to the beautiful land of Nepal. - End of services. Have a safe journey!


  • Accommodation
  • Meals
  • Transportation
  • Human Resource
  • Tax/Service Charge 


  • Extra cost for unseen & unstoppable circumstances (natural disaster, flight cancel, strike etc).
  • Cost of extra day(s) stay or for hiring extra guide and vehicle(s) in any cause.
  • Any Beverage items and personal nature expenses  (Cold/Alcoholic drinks, bottled Mineral Water, tea/coffee,etc.)
  • Emergency Transportation / Evacuation
  • Any tips and donations
  • Your travel insurance
  • Nepal Visa fee

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